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韩国国立首尔科学技术大学Jung-Su Kim教授与ylzz总站线路检测进行线上学术交流

发布日期 :2020-11-13作者 :点击 :

20201110日,韩国首尔国立科技大学Jung-Su Kim教授与我司进行了线上学术交流。讲座由于树友教授主持,并通过视频会议形式举行。我司师生代表参加了本次学术报告会。

Jung-Su Kim教授做了题为“Priority-Considered Load Shedding in Economic Dispatch: Distributed Optimization Approach”的学术报告。首先他介绍了经济调度和可再生优先负载等优化概念。其次,Jung-Su Kim教授详细阐述了频率稳定性和功率平衡在经济调度方面的重要性,并以此为限制对经济调度数学模型进行分布式优化。最后,总结了关于分布式经济调度的应用,并热情耐心地一一解答现场师生的提问。


BioJung-Su Kim, graduated from Korea University in 1998, 2000 and 2005 with bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctor's degree respectively. After graduation in 2005, he was engaged in post doctoral research in Seoul National University, Institute of system theory and automatic control, University of Stuttgart, Germany, and system biology laboratory, University of Leicester, UK. Since 2009, Professor Kim has joined the Department of electronic and information engineering, Seoul National University of science and technology, and has successively held the positions of assistant professor, associate professor and professor.

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